Wednesday, September 23, 2009

To tweet or not to tweet

I can honestly say that in the months I've had a Twitter account, none of the people I "follow" have had anything earth-shattering to report. (Yes, people do really tweet about what they ate for breakfast!) Sometimes the character limitations make them so cryptic that they are devoid of meaning to most everyone except their inside circle, and much of the info. that is understandable isn't all that useful to the rest of us anyway. I follow some of the same folks whose blogs I read and find the blog posts much more interesting and helpful.

So, in typical twitter style--Week 9, step 10. Done.

1 comment:

  1. You and Peter share the same perspective on Twitter! Both of you have indicated that you find the longer messaging capability of blogs and Facebook more useful and meaningful. What did you think of the library's own Twitter account ( Are these messages accessible?
